Article 1. General
- These general conditions apply to all agreements with Pilates Studio Pitonyasa on participation in training sessions, courses and other types of training or advice in the broadest sense of the word.
- The Dutch law is applicable on these terms and conditions.
- Derogations from this agreement are binding only if they have been confirmed in writing by Pilates Studio Pitonyasa.
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.
- This is the version of May 2019. With the publication of this version, all other versions of the terms and conditions of Pilates Studio Pitonyasa will become invalid.
Article 2. Agreement
- The agreement comes about after making an appointment by telephone, mail and in person for participating in a Pilates training.
- After a trial or introductory training Pilates Studio Pitonyasa gives the customer an oral explanation of the general terms and conditions, the class schedule and a registration form. The registration form needs to be completed and returned when signed. This can be done by mail or returned to Pilates Studio Pitonyasa.
Article 3. Pilates training and session cards
- Participating in a Pilates training can only be done by appointment in consultation with Pilates Studio Pitonyasa.
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa offers training as a single session and through session cards.
- All cards for Pilates sessions are personal and not transferable to third parties.
- The start date of the session card is the agreed date for the first training.
- The period of validity of the session cards for group classes are 10 weeks for a 5 session card, 20 weeks for a 10 session card and 40 weeks for a 20 session card.
- The period of validity of the session cards for solo and duo sessions are 3 months for the 5 session cards and 6 months for the 10 session cards.
- Derogations from the provisions of 5 and 6 are possible in case of high exception and can only be made in consultation with and the approval of Pilates Studio Pitonyasa. High exception means:
– long-term hospitalization
– prolonged rehabilitation
– serious complications in pregnancy
– temporary work or moving abroad
The period in which classes can be attended is determined by Pilates Studio Pitonyasa.
Article 4. Payment
- The rates are published on the website of Pilates Studio Pitonyasa.
- Single and introductory sessions are paid in advance though it is allowed to pay in cash in the studio, immediately after the training.
- The customer must pay the amount due for a session card in one time and in advance. The payment can be done by means of bank transfer. The due amount need to be credited on the bank account of Pilates Studio Pitonyasa at the latest on the date of the Pilates training. The customer can also pay in cash in the studio of Pilates Studio Pitonyasa on the day of the training.
- In the event of late payment, an administration fee of €15,- will be charged.
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa has the right to refuse participation of the customer to a training if the customer did not submit to its payment obligations.
- Prepaid sessions are non-refundable.
Article 5. Cancellation by the customer
- Cancellation of attending a group session is free of charge when the customer informs Pilates Studio Pitonyasa in time. In all other cases the entire session amount is charged.
* For participation in classes that start before or at 14.00 the Studio must be informed by the customer at the latest at 20.00 of the evening before
* For participation in classes that start later than 14.00 the Studio must be informed by the customer at the latest at 10.00 of the same morning
- Cancellation of a solo or duo session is free of charge when the customer informs Pilates Studio Pitonyasa more than 24 hours before the start of the Pilates training.
- Subsections 1 and 2 also include the corresponding agreements for trial and introductory classes
Article 6. Changes and cancellations by Pilates Studio Pitonyasa
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa has the right without giving any reason to change training dates and times.
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa has the right to cancel without giving any reason a Pilates training. The missed session is not charged.
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa has the right to change the rates. This happens at most once per 2 years. The rate changes are mentioned to the existing customers in time and are published on the website.
Article 7. Own risk and liability
- Participating in a Pilates training is entirely at risk for the customer.
- If the customer has an injury, is pregnant or has (other) physical symptoms, he/she first consults his/her doctor. In case of a positive opinion of the physician, the customer may participate. The customer is obliged to inform Pilates Studio Pitonyasa before the training about his/her health and physical condition and about any changes in his/her health and physical condition.
- Pilates Studio Pitonyasa is not responsible for and can not be held liable for medical conditions and/or any other form of physical or mental harm of the customer before, during and after the Pilates training. This applies as well for any damage to, loss of and/or theft of property of the customer
Article 8. Recording of information
- The personal data of clients are strictly confidential and are used by Pilates Studio Pitonyasa exclusively for administrative and training purposes.
- If any changes occur in the contact information of the customer, the customer should report these to Pilates Studio Pitonyasa.